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Mashed Potatoes

I have never been a huge fan of mashed potatoes around Thanksgiving time, I myself prefer to fill my belly with stuffing.  This recipe can be made with or without the hard boil eggs, I find adding them gives them a different and welcome texture. 

4 Yukon gold potatoes
½ teaspoon kosher salt
1/3 cup heavy cream
3 Tbsp unsalted butter
2 Hard boiled eggs
Salt and pepper to taste


Peel and chop up potatoes and put them into a large pot.  Cover them with water, add salt, and bring them to a boil.  10-15 minutes later your potatoes should be soft when poked with a fork, at this point take them off the heat and drain them.  Placed cooked potatoes back in the pot.  Heat butter and heavy cream in a separate bowl in the microwave and add to potatoes.  Mash them with your favorite masher, add salt and pepper to taste.  Finely chop hard boil eggs and add to your mashed potatoes and serve!

Serves about 5


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